
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Thanksgiving 5 Months Early

About a month and a half ago I was rear-ended while waiting to turn left into a gas station. No one was hurt and my car was drive-able. A couple of days later, my car randomly dies because there is something wrong with the battery. When our mechanic looked at it, it was working just fine and he couldn't find a problem with my battery or my alternator. Of course. In the meantime, I have been talking to the insurance company and trying to arrange an adjuster to come out and look at my car so that I can get it repaired. Finally, a month and a half later, we get it all worked out.

3 weeks ago, I bought a new car. Not a brand new car, but a very nice used car. This is the first car that I've ever paid for all by myself. I had been saving up for a long time to get a reliable car with low miles and I was beyond ecstatic to finally own this car! The first week of owning this car I was out of town, so I have only been driving it for two weeks.

Yesterday, I was running errands for work and as I was driving down a 3 lane road (in the far right lane), a guy in the middle lane (to my left) suddenly decided he needed to turn right and proceeded to hit me and run me off the road into a parking lot and on my way I ran over two parking blocks. He gets out of his car and says, "I'm so sorry, I didn't see you." Well that was obvious. I call the police and an officer arrives and asks me what happened. I tell him. He goes and talks to the other driver. He gets in his car and acts like hes doing a lot of hard work. Not sure that he was doing anything at all. He gets back out and talks to the other driver again. Then he comes over and asks me to tell him again what happened. I did. He tells me that the other driver has a different story. A completely different story, in which I hit him.... you can imagine my anger/disgust/frustration/irritation/shock/disbelief. This was my new car this guy ruined and now he's trying to blame this accident on me??? Was he kidding??? Apparently he wasn't, and apparently the officer could not put 2 and 2 together, because despite the fact that according to the damage on our cars, the other driver's story was completely impossible, he said he "could not determine who was at fault and the insurance companies would have to fight it out." He also told me that I did not need to be upset because the other car had more damage then mine and "they can probably just buff that out" (referring to dent/scrape all across the driver's side of my car). The officer gives me the other driver's name and insurance number on the torn off corner of a yellow pad and tells me I'm free to go. Upon calling the insurance company, I learn that the guy who hit me and ran me off the road and then lied about it, does NOT have insurance. So much for the insurance companies fighting this out.

This incident left me in a sour and angry mood ALL DAY. I was absolutely livid at the injustice that was done to me. I don't know if you have experienced being angry all day or not, but let me tell you, it is exhausting! EXHAUSTING! I had a headache all day and I was so tired. All I wanted to do was go to bed and cry. Since that was not an option I decided to go to Chili's and get a diet coke and a chocolate chip skillet cookie. It helped a little.

All day I kept thinking that I shouldn't be so angry. I needed to let it go, but I just could not stop feeling upset about the whole situation.

I woke up this morning thinking it's a new day. Everything will get worked out. It's just a car. Even if it is my new car that I worked really hard for and love very much. Even if the guy who hit me deserved a ticket for hitting me as well as a ticket for having no insurance, and also a public flogging for lying to me and a policeman. Even though the police officer was unhelpful and unprofessional. It will all be ok. I am alive and I should be thankful. Well....

This morning, I am driving to work. I take the exit for NW Expressway from Hefner Parkway and I am in the yield lane waiting until it is clear to get on the expressway. I feel someone bump into me. Is this real life?? Did that just happen?? Yes. It did. I get out of my car to check and see if there is damage so that I can make sure the nice lady who hit me knows that I know so she will follow me into the nearest parking lot so we don't hold up all the traffic. To my surprise, this nice lady has rolled down her window and proceeds to scream at me, "I DID NOT TOUCH YOU!" I gently respond, "I am just making sure there's no damage (thankfully there wasn't any)." And she yells, "WHY DON'T YOU MOVE YOUR CAR AND GET OUT OF THE WAY." What do I even say to this outburst of rage from a woman who hit me? Nothing. I say nothing. I get in my car and suddenly the anger from yesterday is back in it's full glory, ready to ruin another day. Grr.

It takes me a total of 3 minutes to arrive at my office and then I had time to sit and think. I was trying really hard not to continue to be angry when I had a thought. I say "I had a thought" but really I think The Lord gave me this thought. I have so much to be thankful for. I have SO much to be thankful for. I have SO MUCH to be THANKFUL for!!! So I decided that in the midst of all this craziness, I should focus on the things I am thankful for. So I'm having Thanksgiving 5 months early and I have made a list of things that I am thankful for.

1. The Lord- His Grace is sufficient for me. He is great, He is good, and He is sovereign.
2. My family- my parents are incredible and always so supportive. My siblings are some of my best friends.
3. My funny friends- I have THE BEST FRIENDS ever. Always so supportive and encouraging, and the hilarious conversations I have with them will always be a blessing.
4. My jobs- I am so blessed to have two amazing jobs that I love, and I have the best bosses and co-workers!
5. My church and all the incredible people who go there
6. My mentor- what an incredible woman she is and always giving me the support and encouragement I need.
7. My bed- I love to sleep. A lot.
9. Cupcakes- yum
10. The ability to laugh- seriously, what would I do if I couldn't laugh? Being able to laugh at myself is such a blessing.
11. The ability to cry- sometimes you just have to let it all out, and I'm thankful I can do this.
12. Toilets- no explanation needed.
13. The heater in my office that keeps me from getting frostbite!
14. Despicable Me-  specifically Steve Carell
15. Facebook and Instagram for allowing me to creep on people without their knowledge! :)

In closing, I thought it would be appropriate to share part of one of my favorite songs.

"You are more, You are more
Than my words will ever say
You are Lord, You are Lord
All creation will proclaim
You are here, You are here
In Your presence I'm made whole
You are God, You are God
Of all else I'm letting Go."

I hope that when you are experiencing troubling times, you can still find things in your life to be thankful for. I know I always will.

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