
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A Paleo Day

Eating Paleo can be overwhelming because it is a huge lifestyle change from the average, eat what is convenient style that I use to have. Meal planning, food prep, and grocery shopping all take time, but they don't have to be complicated! Finding something that works for you is key! What I've found to work for me is lots of intentional planning and some preparation and cooking. The more I plan the easier, less stressful, and more enjoyable my meal prep and cooking experience is! 

I try to map out what I'm going to eat for the week, taking into consideration new recipes I want to try, the serving size of each meal (aka how many leftovers I'll have), and what nights I am free to cook. Then I go through each meal and make a grocery list. I try to by groceries twice a week. I go once at the beginning for the first half, and again in the middle for the second half. I often have to make quick trips for odds and ends throughout the week, but I've found that this is the best way to keep my fresh produce from going bad before I have the chance to eat it! If you would like a template for my weekly meal plan you can get that here!  

A typical breakfast consists of a few slices of bacon, vegetables such as mushrooms, onions, and spinach, and scrambled eggs. I like to cook the bacon first and then sauté the vegetables in the bacon grease so I don’t have to add any other kind of fat, and cook the eggs last. Sometimes, I make pancakes with a side of fruit if I’m in the mood for something different. If you don't want to cook in the mornings, you can always make granola (recipe here), breakfast bars, or a breakfast casserole ahead of time. 

Lunches and dinners are generally left overs or salad. I love to cook versatile meats that I can either eat with vegetables or cut up and toss in a salad. Chicken and steak are the easiest to do this with.  I do my best to have a protein and a vegetable with each meal with more emphasis on the vegetable.

If I’m in a rush, and don’t have time to prepare anything, a few go to meals are:
- Pear wrapped in prosciutto with extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette for dipping J delicious!! If you eat cheese, you can add that to the pear and prosciutto!
- Any kind of salad. Salads are easy to throw together, and can be as simple or
elaborate as you want/have time for/have in your fridge. The other day I made one with spinach, strawberries, and pecans with olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette.
- Anything you can make ahead of time and quickly reheat.
But remember, the more you plan ahead, the less chance you’ll have of being rushed with nothing to eat!

One problem I had, especially when I first started eating Paleo, was that I would get hungry often. I needed to have extra food with me at work all the time, just in case I got the munchies! If I have food I can eat, I am far less tempted by the food I can’t eat. A few of my favorite snacks are:
- Crackers and Salsa- get the cracker recipe here
- Fruit
- Coconut Yogurt with fruit and nuts
- Trail Mix- nuts, dark chocolate or cacao nibs, raisins, goji berries, etc.
- Hard Boiled Eggs (I pretty much always have a few of these in  
  my fridge!)
- Energy Bars- easy recipe here
- Almond Butter with Apple Slices

And finally, desserts. I really thought that eating Paleo would mean I could never have a cookie, muffin, cake, or the like again. I am so so happy to say, that’s not the case at all!! Although I don’t eat desserts every day, there are options for delicious desserts with ingredients that won’t inflame your digestive system! J When I’m craving something sweet and fruit doesn’t fix it, or for special occasions, or when I know I’ll be somewhere and they will be serving cake (weddings, showers, parties, etc.) I like to have a dessert of my own (like I said before it’s easier to say no to things you can’t have, if you have something that you CAN have)! Here are a few of my favorites:
- Chocolate Cake in a mug like this one
- Chocolate Chip Cookies- get my favorite recipe here
- Dates with coconut butter or nut butter (you can also wrap them with prosciutto and broil them for a few minutes)
- Cupcakes like these or these
- Coconut Bars- Super easy recipe here

With a little planning and intentional preparation, eating Paleo can be simple! If you are starting out and feeling stressed, give it time!! It gets easier the longer you do it.