
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Nothing Like a Slap in the Face

Hello Blog world! My name is Lauren and I like to laugh. It's very nice to meet you! I am not entirely sure what I am doing on this little blog, so it will surely be a learn-as-I-go experience. I just noticed the spell check button, and for that I am thankful! I am a terrible speller! What would I do without spell check?? Sometimes I type things into my phone and let the predictive text show me how to spell a word... sad I know.

Ok, enough of the rambling! For my first post I thought I would share a little something that happened yesterday.

My Mom got me a book for Christmas called Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence. It's a little daily devotional book and I read it for the first time yesterday. The majority of the passage was about God being your very-present helper. If you are in line with His will, nothing can stop you. Even though your path will be filled with obstacles, God will never leave your side. Although this is all really good stuff, the following passage is what really spoke to me!

     "Much, much stress results from your wanting to make things happen before their times have come. One of the main ways I (God) assert My sovereignty is in the timing of events. If you want to stay close to Me and do things My way, ask Me to show you the path forward moment by moment. Instead of dashing headlong toward your goal, let Me set the pace. Slow down, and enjoy the journey in My presence."

So yea, that was like a slap in the face!! I so often find myself day dreaming about what my future might hold and thinking I can't wait until I get to the "good part" of my life (aka: married with children). I am wasting the time with God that I have now in this moment by "running ahead" to the plans I have for the future. How much more could He do in my life if I asked Him, "Lord, what do you have planned for me today? How can you use me now? What do you have to show me today?" So from now on I am going to strive to stay focused on each day with my Savior.... I can still day dream a little though... I can't help it! :)